

I regret to inform whoever is reading this that I did not do an art exercise today. I also didn't get much work done. But I wrote about a page of chapter 69, so that's great. I can say I did something artsy today at least. I can't stand it when I'm not creating, doing something that requires some sort of creative input. Even just updating my blog kind of falls into that category; the act of typing out the code to make the next entry is satisfying to me.

Still, even if I wrote, I reiterate, I need to keep up the drawing momentum I was building. I'm really determined, even if I'm not very motivated. Lately when I look at good art I think to myself, "I hope I get that good in my own way someday," but then I get a little sick feeling in my stomach at the thought of all the time and effort and principally, TIME it's going to take to get there. Obviously no one can get good fast. But boy would it be nice.


The moogle tome event started today! I went and did a few things for it, namely ocean fishing like 4 times today, and twice I got over 8k (which is how much you need for the ultimog challenge) and got those 50 tomes right off. It's probably the most energy I've had for the game in a long time. Who would've thought that the moogle tome event would make that happen. Turns out when you mix up the formula for your players it makes them play some more. Who knew!

The plan is to do Castrum Meridianum this week and continue doing singular weekly challenges to rack up tomestones. I'll also maybe do ocean fishing because I really do like it. This tomestone event is shaping up to be a little nicer than all the previous ones because you can do once-weekly and once-period challenges instead of grinding your ass off on the same dungeons. I'm... looking forward to it??